All things life

The journey – Are we there yet?

Today I find myself on a new journey. A journey that is exciting but still a mystery. I believe most of us understand this idea as we have all encountered change along the journey of life. In fact, if we are believers, change is everyday, right? We are called to lay down our lives daily (1John 3:16), take up our cross and live a life that is surrendered to Christ (Matthew 16:24). That means each day, I am asking God to change me little by little. My life is ever moving towards the cross and learning how I can become more Christ like. There are those of us who hate change but the reality is, changes come to us all. We need to choose an attitude that will help us, not hinder us on this journey. Others of us like change or at least say we do but transition is always difficult no matter who you are. Even in the best and most exciting parts of change, the struggle is still there. Attitude is vitally important.

I have 3 daughters. On road trips they often ask “How much longer?” and “Are we there yet?”. Those questions are’t bad questions to ask. If the attitude is less about being annoyed and more about understanding the timeline, then peace still reigns in the car. If they throw a tantrum, the miles don’t suddenly end to meet their desire. Instead, the journey becomes more and more difficult to withstand for everyone who’s along for the ride.

If you’re like me, relating my grownup thoughts to the actions of my children, I suddenly see how silly I am acting. So today, I may ask how much longer until I see the end of this part of the journey. But rather than raise my voice and baulk against the answer, I will take joy in looking out the window and seeing all the beauty and I will choose to rest along the way so I am refreshed when we arrive.

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