Surrounded by Witnesses - Podcast

Episode 7 – Following Christ at any Cost

My guest today is Alyssa Lambert.  In today’s episode, we are talking about the cost of following Christ.  Alyssa has had to make decisions in her walk with Christ that have been painful but through it all, she has realized the value of being a Christ-follower.
A few of the things we talk about are:
1-What does it cost to follow Christ?
2- Christ calls us to give up what is closest to our hearts so that He can be in that space. 
3-Is it worth it to follow Christ?
4-Is there purpose in us laying down our lives and these things that are dear to us?
5-Will you be blessed by following Christ?
Key Verses: Matt 20:26-28, Phil 2:13,  Phil 3:7-11
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